Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 17: Photographs are Everywhere!

When you focus you can find great shots anywhere.  This picture is a perfect example.  I was feeling the"itch" to take some pictures on this day.  I grabbed my camera and was ready to head out when I walked out my front door and saw this icicle hanging from the corner of my house just outside my front door.  This picture would suggest that there were multiple icicles hanging there but actually this was one icicle that split at the end.  I loved the curves so I took several shots trying different angles and different lighting.  This is the shot I chose.

So get out there and shoot!! You can find photographs everywhere.  You just need to look closely.  Are there lines that are interesting? What about colors? Are there fine details you can zoom in to get?  What would a tourist find interesting about your house, yard, or neighborhood?

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