Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So I totally slacked on my 365 Day Challenge.  Actually I didn't.  I have been busy working and I have recently relaunched my website and added a whole bunch of new photographs there.  Sorry for those of you who have been following!  I have found a new interest in my photography though.  I am currently working on a project called Crumbling Americana which you can view on my website at Take a look and let me know what you think!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 47: Winter is Still Here

This was an enormous amount of snow that we received.  It started and didn't stop for almost a week.  This is really just a snapshot that I took on Main Street in Lovell, Wyoming.  The bottom of that sign is approximately 9-10 feet from the street and the snow has been plowed up into the middle of the street.

Day 46: Love is in the Air

This is Valentine's Day!  This picture is for my Valentine!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 45: Light Through Glass

This was a photograph where there was some natural light shining through some liquid in this glass container.  The texture of the glass was very interesting as were the colors.  I am always looking for ineteresting colors, patterns, textures, etc.  Develop your "Photographer's Eye" and see what you can come up with around your house!

Day 44: Canals

Canals are a frequent sight in Wyoming but this snow filled canal caught my attention because of the boards running across.  I assume they are for walking across the canal but I am really unsure of their use since I am not a farmer. :)

Day 43: Homestead

Here is a photograph of an old homestead.  There are a lot of old homes and buildings around this area which make for great subjects.  I really like how this old house is surrounded  by big old trees.

Day 42: Hangin' Around

I found these pair of shoes hanging from the power lines behind a building downtown.  It reminded me of the many photographs I have seen from the inner city and the projects around the world.  As you can see these shoes are not the normal shoes you see hanging from power lines and maybe says something about the local culture? 

Day 41: Melt Away!

I love running water and I especially love when the snow melts and spring is just around the corner.

Day 40: Revisited

As the weather was again snowing and ugly I took this time to revisit another subject that I used previously.  I found this blue bottle tucked away in a cupboard and decided that the color would look good along side the green bottle that I used previously.  I really like the colors of this photograph and this became my photo of the day!

Day 39: Inspiration

I liked shooting the Scrabble letters so much that I wanted to revisit this idea.  Here is one of the photographs I captured using Scrabble letters.  I have further ideas with these letters that completely gets away from this set up which I have used twice now.  The other ideas will come sometime in the future!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 38: Reflections

I love taking pictures of reflective surfaces.  Ice is one of my favorite subjects.  I like how the wall is reflected in the top of this ice formation but the spherical aspect of the ice shrinks the reflection and in this photograph it shows mutliple bricks in each piece of ice.  It makes for a very fun picture.

Day 37: Interesting

This skeleton was sitting in the passenger seat of an old car parked at a motel.  I thought this was an interesting photograph.

Day 36: Secretary

I love random things.  I was behind a building and found this stuck to the wall as if to imply that this was a parking space for someone but there wasn't really any parking space there...just weeds.  I guess some people don't take their secretaries very serious?

Day 35: Glow

I was looking for something to photograph and this bottle became my subject for about an hour.  I took photographs from just about every angle I could!!  I changed the lighting, the reflective surface underneath, etc.  I actually had a great time photographing this bottle.  This is the image that stuck out the most for me.  I liked the way the bottle glowed, and the little orange patch in the background contrasted with the green of the bottle.

Day 34: Scrabble Anyone?

Here is a picture I captured using Scrabble letters.  I really like playing Scrabble and I love the potential for great photographs using the letters and game board.  I used this to my advantage by creating a simple marketing picture...although I played around with many other ideas.  Some of which may end up in photographs later!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 33: Duaflex

Here is a picture I took of my 1940's Kodak Duaflex II Viewfinder Camera.  I love this camera.  It is so much fun to take pictures through.  If anyone is interested in how to do this feel free to ask and I will supply you with the know-how to build your own contraption to enable you to use your digital camera through one of these. The hardest part is finding the viewfinder camera.  I lucked out and found this one at a used camera store in Billings, Montana for a whopping $10!!! It was worth every cent.

Day 32: My Friend Reuben

This was such a great sandwich and I knew it was going to be so I went ahead and got some photos of it before I tore into it!!  It tasted as good as it looks :)

Day 31: The frost still lingers...

Forst still lingers in the mornings as the nights are foggy and very cold.  The frost makes these weeds stick out as if this were an infrared photograph.  Frosty subjets are one of my favorite things to shoot during the winter.  I am captivated by the way the world looks covered in frost.

Day 30: Foggy Mountain Sunset

Here is the sun setting on the BigHorn Mountains.  There is a little bit of fog towards the mountain on this day.

Day 29: Vintage

This is a picture I took using the TTL (Through The Lens) style.  I am haveing a great time with this style.  Its very fun.  Basically I have taken a 1940's Kodak Duaflex Viewfinder camera and use my digital camera (via a contraption I built) to shoot pictures through the viewfinder of this vintage camera.  The pictures come out looking like old vintage photographs. I will be posting more of this style of picture in the future for sure so everyone can get a better idea of the pictures.

If you would like to see a few more of these pictures go to my website and you can watch the beginning slideshow where I have included several TTL photographs. 

Day 28: Sara

Here is a picture of my daughter Sara on the day that she had her lip pierced.  Yes...she just had to have her lip pierced.  I took more pictures of the whole event and the look during the piercing was CLASSIC!!! It was so good that I missed taking the picture because I was too busy staring at her because of the look on her face! No matter what she says, I know it hurt!!

Day 20 through Day 27: Slacker

I have to admit that I slacked a little during January but I worked alot during this week and it was EXTREMELY cold with temperatures reaching -30 degrees below 0.  But I did find a whole days worth of shots that I had taken in October that I forgot all about.  So I will share these photographs with you instead.  These pictures were taken in Yellowstone National Park.  I hope these pictures make up for my slacking!

I inlcuded one for every day that I slacked!  Enjoy!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 19: Gravity

I call this shot "Gravity."  It appears that gravity has kept this car from continuing uphill while the plane streaking downward in the sky is being pulled by gravity.  I think this is my personal favorite of all the photographs I have ever taken.

Day 18: Jump!

I have a fascination with taking pictures of people's feet and shoes.  Maybe its the fascination with motion or movement.  Feet take us where we need to go.  There is also the old statement about walking a mile in other people's shoes.  Or it could be the shoes themselves.  Whatever my fascination is, I hope you enjoy this shot too. :)

Day 17: Photographs are Everywhere!

When you focus you can find great shots anywhere.  This picture is a perfect example.  I was feeling the"itch" to take some pictures on this day.  I grabbed my camera and was ready to head out when I walked out my front door and saw this icicle hanging from the corner of my house just outside my front door.  This picture would suggest that there were multiple icicles hanging there but actually this was one icicle that split at the end.  I loved the curves so I took several shots trying different angles and different lighting.  This is the shot I chose.

So get out there and shoot!! You can find photographs everywhere.  You just need to look closely.  Are there lines that are interesting? What about colors? Are there fine details you can zoom in to get?  What would a tourist find interesting about your house, yard, or neighborhood?

Day 16: Local Scene

Here is a picture I took of the LDS church on a foggy winter night.  The glow from the light mixed with the fog made this shot.

Day 15: Dancing the Day Away!

Here is a picture of Haley after a dance performance.  She hates when dad busts out the camera and takes pictures of her. lol

Day 14: Mary Mary

Although this picture wasn't quite focused I went ahead and added it because I liked the photo.

Day 13: Mmmmm!!

I love deviled eggs.  They take some time to prepare but they are well worth the effort!!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 12: Moonset over the Beartooths

Early one morning on my way to Powell, Wyoming I came over a hill and found this view.  I had to stop and grab a picture of this beautiful sunrise with the moon setting behind the mountains.  Yes, that is the moon!!

Day 11: Out of Commision

I was noticed this old car sitting out in a lot with a bunch of debris.  I liked the way that the roof was caved in. This shot is an infrared version of the photograph. Too many old cars left out to the elements to rot away forever!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 10: Me, Myself, and I

Here is a self-portrait.  I shot this picture at Heart Mountain Relocation Center outside of Powell, Wyoming.  This is a reflection from one of the windows in the barracks of the camp.  During WWII the United States Government rounded up people of Japanese descent and put them into relocation camps after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Not a very honored part of the American past.

I will be continuing a project I started last summer with current pictures of the area and the camp which I will release sometime during June.
For more information about the Heart Mountain Relocation Center please visit

Day 9: Deer John,

I turned a corner and a bunch of deer were feeding next to the road.  As I approached they took off into a nearby field.  I slowly walked towards them and they stopped and turned to look at me and then ran off further into the trees and fog.

Day 8: Signs of the Summer Past

Sagging sunflowers full of seeds wait to be harvested.  Snow is on the ground and the temperatures have been very very cold already!  I can't wait for the sunflowers to bloom again when the weather is warm.

Day 7: Closed Until Spring

I went out to Horseshoe Bend and they were closed until warmer weather comes.  No kayaking this winter unless its in the snow which could potentially be like bobsledding!!

Day 6: Swirling Skies

W were leaving a store in Cody, Wyoming and when we came out the sky was bright red andpink and the clouds were swirling.  It almost looked like it was going to be a tornado.  I hurried and ran to my car to get some shots of the sky before it disappeared.  Within minutes the sun was gone completely.  Sunsets don't last very long around here so you have to be quick!

Day 5: Nice Warm Bed

Flip-Flop gets cold easily, so when she is cold she curles up in a little ball in her doggy bed to keep warm. 

Day 4: Salt and Pepper

On a frosty morning near Emblem, Wyoming I spotted a black horse and a white horse playing in a snow covered field enjoying the sunshine after a long foggy night. 

Day 3: And then there were 3...

What a fitting picture for day 3!!! I saw these three cows passing by and as I stopped to photograph them they stopped frozen in their tracks to watch me.  None of them would move until I was back in my vehicle.  Guess they were making sure that I wasn't out looking for a cheesburger!

Day 2:

When it is too cold outside to take pictures then its always nice to find things to shoot inside!  I was fascinated by these shoes for some reason...maybe it was the lines and curves of the shoes.  

Day 1: Cold Snowy New Year's Day

Most of this winter has been much of the same...cold winter weather with alot of snow. 

The 365 Day Challenge

Jo Bekah Photography introduced the 365 Day Challenge which is a challenge to take at least one picture every single day for a year.  I said that I would take the challenge but have been somewhat slacking in posting the pictures that I have taken so far this year.  I started this new blog to allow me to have a new outlet for this challenge.  I will begin uploading the pictures that I have taken so far this year and continue on from this day forward for the remainder of the year.

For more information regarding the 365 Day Challenge visit .