Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So I totally slacked on my 365 Day Challenge.  Actually I didn't.  I have been busy working and I have recently relaunched my website and added a whole bunch of new photographs there.  Sorry for those of you who have been following!  I have found a new interest in my photography though.  I am currently working on a project called Crumbling Americana which you can view on my website at Take a look and let me know what you think!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 47: Winter is Still Here

This was an enormous amount of snow that we received.  It started and didn't stop for almost a week.  This is really just a snapshot that I took on Main Street in Lovell, Wyoming.  The bottom of that sign is approximately 9-10 feet from the street and the snow has been plowed up into the middle of the street.

Day 46: Love is in the Air

This is Valentine's Day!  This picture is for my Valentine!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 45: Light Through Glass

This was a photograph where there was some natural light shining through some liquid in this glass container.  The texture of the glass was very interesting as were the colors.  I am always looking for ineteresting colors, patterns, textures, etc.  Develop your "Photographer's Eye" and see what you can come up with around your house!

Day 44: Canals

Canals are a frequent sight in Wyoming but this snow filled canal caught my attention because of the boards running across.  I assume they are for walking across the canal but I am really unsure of their use since I am not a farmer. :)

Day 43: Homestead

Here is a photograph of an old homestead.  There are a lot of old homes and buildings around this area which make for great subjects.  I really like how this old house is surrounded  by big old trees.

Day 42: Hangin' Around

I found these pair of shoes hanging from the power lines behind a building downtown.  It reminded me of the many photographs I have seen from the inner city and the projects around the world.  As you can see these shoes are not the normal shoes you see hanging from power lines and maybe says something about the local culture?